Matrasur Composites offers two types of spray-up robots: ROBOMAT and ROBOSTRAT
The ROBOMAT range of robots is based on the technique of copying the operator’s movements.
The simplicity of programming does not require the use of specialised personnel: it is the operator himself who carries out the programme on a part without disrupting production.
The operator gesture copy function consists of guiding the robot’s movement, which then reproduces the operator gesture each time the program is called up.
The main advantages of ROBOMAT :
- Instant programming by copying the operator’s gesture, on everyone’s doorstep
- Improved productivity (repeatability, precision, timing)
- Operator safety (better conditions, no risky tasks, accident prevention)
- Saving of raw material (less waste, less scrap)
- Quick return on investment

La gamme ROBOSTRAT propose une technologie avancée basée sur la programmation hors-ligne à partir d’un logiciel de simulation. Il permet la prévisualisation de toutes les étapes du programme offrant à son utilisateur toute la rapidité et la souplesse attendues d’une programmation simple et efficace.
La gamme ROBOSTRAT est particulièrement agile sur les pièces aux formes complexes.
C’ est l’auxiliaire indispensable des productions composites de moyenne et haute intensité.
Les principaux avantages de ROBOSTRAT :
- Excellente précision et régularité
- Adapté aux très hauts débits
- Peut traiter des pièces de formes complexes dans l’industrie du sanitaire, de la plaisance…
- Grande plage de vitesses de projection possible

Training is a key element in the success of your project.
MATRASUR COMPOSITES benefits from more than thirty years of experience in solutions dedicated to the application of bi-component materials.
This expertise allows us to offer our customers the benefit of our know-how, both in the operation of their new machine and in the safety and maintenance aspects.
For the integration of a new MATRASUR COMPOSITES equipment, we can define an adapted training programme.